Ignited Youth Ministry

This exciting ministry is for students from 6th through 12th grade.  

The mission of Ignited is to ignite teens with a passion for lost souls, a passion for God's presence, and the power to fulfill God's destiny for their lives. 

It is a place for students to connect with the Lord Jesus Christ.  We endeavor to partner with God and parents to develop a generation of young people radical in their obedience and love for Jesus, actively pursuing holiness, and sharing their faith with others.  This happens by providing an environment for teenagers where they truly have an encounter with the Living God.

Meets Sunday nights at 6:00pm in the

Ignited Student Center

What is Ignited Youth?


    Each Sunday evening, Ignited students meeting in the Student Center for a night of fellowship, worship, and spiritual development. Activities begin at 6:00pm followed by worship and a message from God's Word. Sunday worship services are welcoming to all students, new and old, who want to connect with their fellow teenagers while being equipped by God to impact their community for Christ.


    Royal Rangers - GOLD MEDAL ACADEMY

    Gold Medal Academy is for young men in 6th-12th grades. During GMA, each young man will get hands on experience and learn skills that will stick with him throughout life. Upon completion of the course, he will be eligible for the highest award in Royal Rangers, The Gold Medal of Achievement. 

    Gold Medal Academy meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm. 


    Teen Girls Ministries - IGNITED TEEN GIRLS

    Ignited Teen Girls is for young women in 6th-12th grades. This discipleship group follows the Titus 2 mentorship model. Girls will have the opportunity to connect with friends and learn God-centered lessons and critical life-skills from a sincere leader and grow deeper in Christ. The goal is simple: To see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ and to realize her importance and potential in the kingdom of God. 

    Ignited Teen Girls meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm. 


    We love to connect with students to empower them to fulfill their God-given calling on their lives. To achieve this, it's a priority to live life together inside and outside of the four walls of the church. To see planned events, check out the  church calendar. 


    Click to access these resources.

    Upcoming Events Calendar


Ignited Youth Ministry is passionate about connecting with parents and helping you be actively engaged with your teenager. We believe it is our role to not just help teach your teenager about how to live a Spirit-empowered and Christ-centered life but also to support you as their primary spiritual leader.

Below is a link to Kettering Assembly’s resource page for parents. When the link is clicked, it will direct you to a Google folder full of helpful books, podcasts, articles, messages, and other resources to aid you in dealing with some of today’s most challenging dilemmas.